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The First Child’s First Communion (Finally)

Long story short: my eldest’s First Holy Communion was cancelled last spring. We weren’t going to Mass anyway at the time, so put off finding an alternative. We just recently started going to another parish’s sparsely populated Saturday morning traditional Latin Mass and decided that was the perfect setting for the sacrament. So after all these months, and braving a blizzard to do it, it finally happened. It was a total joy, only excepting all the people we couldn’t party with.

I took a few pictures in the desperately cold church vestibule and then at home. They are…not very high quality, but it just wasn’t my priority at the time. Oh well. Here you go!

2 thoughts on “The First Child’s First Communion (Finally)

    1. Thank you! She looked awfully sweet. We even used the curling iron for the first time, but it didn’t hold all day!

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